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APSE Street Cleansing Seminar 2024

Date: Thursday 8 February 2024

Location: The Telford Hotel. Spa & Golf Resort, Great Hay Drive, Sutton Way, Telford,  TF7 4DT

Seminar Programme

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About the seminar

Clean and pleasant local environments have a wide range of benefits including improving public health, wellbeing, and promoting the image of an area. Despite limited resources and increasing demands, councils have continued to develop their StreetScene services and deliver for their local communities. 

APSE brings together a wide variety of speakers who will debate how they have transformed policy into practice to achieve these changes. On the day we will:

  • Consider how Governments can help local authorities address the issues of fly-tipping and littering through a more tailored approach to local problems.
  • We will look at how local authority street cleansing services are trying to play their part in addressing climate change by looking what can be practically done now, and what is needed to be able to do more in the future.
  • How service review and subsequent transformation can bring about significant benefits both to the quality and sustainability of local authority services but also to the local residents
  • How local authorities need to have a flexibility in service delivery approaches, looking to partners to help manage increased usage of our streets and open spaces.



Tackling waste crime: The Environment Agency taskforce - Speaker: Emma Viner, Enforcement & Investigations Manager and Kev Knight, Senior Environmental Crime Officer, Environment Agency

South Staffordshire Council: Revitalizing Street Cleansing and Street Scene Services - Winner APSE service awards 2023 Service Team of the Year: Street Cleansing and Street Scene Service (Public Realm) -  Speaker: Ryan Taylor (Street Scene Performance & Climate Change Manager), South Staffordshire Council

Telford & Wrekin Council approach to using data and insight to improve street scene - Speaker: Paul Fenn , Neighbourhood Enforcement Manager, Telford & Wrekin Council

A word from our sponsor: Brightly Software - Speaker:  Tim Woolven, Brightly Software

Fly-tipping Toolkit: How to Present Robust Cases to the Courts toolkit. - Speaker: Joe Minns, Team Leader - Local Environmental Quality, National Fly-tipping Prevention Group, DEFRA

Lincolnshire Environmental Crime Partnership: Protecting Lincolnshire’s environment by working together to effectively tackle waste related crimes. - Speaker: Ayeisha Kirkham, Head of Service (Public Protection), South Kesteven District Council 

Warrington Borough Council: Fly-tipping Intervention Grant  - Speaker: Linda Smallthwaite BEM, Investigations & Enforcement Manager, Warrington Borough Council

South Ayrshire Locality Hit Squads - Speaker: Paul Dougall, Co-ordinator Neighbourhood Services, South Ayrshire Council




Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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