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APSE Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Seminar - Thursday 16 May 2024

Local authorities continue to explore and review the parts they play in tackling issues around inequality, improving diversity, combating racial disparities as well as exploring strategic perspectives which can lead to improved opportunities for marginalized communities.

This seminar brings together a range of expert speakers that will be exploring steps local authorities and partners have taken and are continuing to take in carrying out, developing and supporting a diverse workforce and community at all levels, co-ordinating better dialogue, promoting equality, engaging and responding to the needs of everyone in the community as well as meeting and addressing challenges.

This seminar presents an excellent opportunity for delegates to share best practice and gain an overview of how colleagues are meeting these needs.

A MUST ATTEND EVENT for those officers and members who want to look at ways of developing and improving solutions to address social inclusion, Communities, Equalities and Partnerships within the local authority context.  


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Diversity, equality and representation in local government, leadership
Speaker: Stuart Love, Chief Executive, Westminster City Council (no slides used) 

Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Speaker: Fiona Sutton-Wilson, Head of APSE Training, APSE

Equality on the Frontline.
Speaker: Amy Caldow, Senior Training Officer, APSE

Centre For Ageing Better’s work with Employers on the Age Friendly Employer Pledge.
Speaker:  John Kiernan, Employer Engagement and Network Manager, Centre for Ageing Better

Luton's journey towards fairness and social justice
Speaker: Marek Lubelski, Head of Social Justice and Community Safety,  Luton Borough Council

“Through Her Eyes” campaign - tackling misogyny
Speaker: Ella Rogers, Media Officer, Southwark Council

The ‘Fair Play’ playground in Barnet: The joys of inclusive play.
Speaker: Deborah Gundle, co-founder of the Fair Play playground.

Campaign for Inclusive Personal Protective Equipment
Speaker:  Katy Robinson, Senior Project Manager, East Riding of Yorkshire Council

North of Tyne Combined Authority Equalities Assembly
Speakers:  Emma Patterson Inclusive Economy Policy Development Officer, and Rachel Edwards, National Management Trainee, North of Tyne Combined Authority

Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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