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APSE refuse, streetscene, transport, grounds and parks seminar 2016

APSE refuse, streetscene, transport, grounds and parks seminar 2016

APSE refuse, streetscene, transport, grounds and parks seminar 2016

Ettington Chase Hotel, Banbury Road, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7NZ
9 -10 November 2016

Click here to view full programme

About the seminar

The APSE annual Environment Seminar aims to provide delegates with the latest up to date service ideas and improvements in the areas of waste and recycling, refuse collection, transport management, street scene, street cleansing, parks and grounds maintenance. This year we are looking how through innovation and income generation, many of our speakers have been able to achieve service efficiencies and improve service quality whilst continuing to meet service user needs.

Delegates will also have the opportunity to hear about high profile schemes which local authorities have been able to attract to their locales with significant external funding inputs resulting. This approach referred to as municipal entrepreneurialism is a key strategic driver for APSE in helping its members continue to deliver excellence and sustainability in their front-line services. The seminar will bring together elected members, officers and other key stakeholders from across the wide range of environmental services featured in this event to share thoughts and views on how they are meeting the growing financial challenges and public demands being placed upon them. In addition, case study workshops will also be held to offer the opportunity to discuss in more detail issues which are currently high on environmental service agendas.

The seminar will also feature the APSE apprentice of the Year Award for transport and also for horticulture, which as every year has attracted a large number of entries from local authorities across the UK.


The State of the Market Refuse and recycling services
Paul O’Brien Chief Executive, APSE

Health & Safety Executive – Key issues for local authorities
Janet Viney, HM Inspector of Health and Safety, Health and Safety Executive

‘Food for Thought’ - England’s Food Waste Recycling Action Plan and the use of wider behavioural change programmes
Trewin Restorick, Chief Executive Officer, Hubbub

Brexit – the impact on the waste and recycling sector
David Kilduff, Partner, Walker Morris LLP 

Kettering Borough Council APSE Best Performer – Kettering’s Journey not the destination
Delyene Moreland, Waste Education and Operations, Kettering Borough Council

The Road to Improvement
Gary McRae, Corporate Fleet Manager, Dundee City Council 

Dealing with the problem of recycling contamination – The Hull experience
Doug Sharp, Assistant City Manager, Kingston upon Hull City Council

Delivering Responsive Services
Steve White, Software Business Development Manager, Yotta 

Workshop 1 - Innovations in the Waste Management Sector
Andy Mudd, APSE Solutions 

Workshop 2- External Awards- Merits/Benefits/Impact to Transport Service Delivery?”
Eddie Spence, Fleetcare Manager, East Ayrshire Council

Combating Waste Crime and the need to enforce Duty of Care Regulations
Dr. Colin Church, Chief Executive- Chartered Institute of Waste Management

Royal Horticultural Society Bridgewater – Looking to the Future
Dr. Tim Upson - Director of Horticulture Royal Horticultural Society 

New Legislation – Is your organisation ready for it?
David Smith, Managing Director, ACORN Environmental Solutions

Pier to Peer Street Cleansing Services 
Richard Bradley, Head of City Clean and City Parks, Brighton and Hove City Council

Developing a Future for Bournemouth’s Parks
Michael Rowland and Natalie Tye, Bournemouth Borough Council

Developing new income streams in parks – Pinewood Studios
Andrew Fowler, Head of Country Parks & Green Spaces, Buckinghamshire County Council

Measuring the quality of your local environment
Wayne Priestley, Principal Advisor, APSE 







Promoting excellence in public services

APSE (Association for Public Service Excellence) is a not for profit unincorporated association working with over 300 councils throughout the UK. Promoting excellence in public services, APSE is the foremost specialist in local authority frontline services, hosting a network for frontline service providers in areas such as waste and refuse collection, parks and environmental services, cemeteries and crematorium, environmental health, leisure, school meals, cleaning, housing and building maintenance.






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